Blog by Davide Micheli
The ISO/IEC27035-2:2016 standard provides guidelines to plan and prepare for incident response and to learn lessons from incident response.
Davide Micheli
28 Jun 2023 07:00 AM - Comment(s)
Examinons les services informatiques, les éléments subjectifs et son gestion pour comprendre comment vont à soutenir la cascade de valeur.
Davide Micheli
14 Jun 2023 07:00 AM - Comment(s)
Nel GDPR sono contenute disposizioni che riguardano un regime di responsabilità e di risarcimento danni relativo al trattamento dei dati personali: vediamole in dettaglio.
Davide Micheli
31 May 2023 06:00 AM - Comment(s)
La pratique d’habilitation des changements est souvent limitée au comité consultatif du changement qui autorise les changements normaux.
Davide Micheli
17 May 2023 07:00 AM - Comment(s)
The ISO/IEC27035-1:2016 standard provides useful principles for handling information security incidents: let's check them out in our post.
Davide Micheli
03 May 2023 07:00 AM - Comment(s)
La proposta di direttiva sulla responsabilità da intelligenza artificiale della Commissione Europea mira ad adeguare le norme di responsabilità civile extracontrattuale ai sistemi AI.
Davide Micheli
18 Apr 2023 09:15 AM - Comment(s)
L'agilité organisationnelle n'est pas seulement un objectif de l'entreprise telle que: elle peut devenir aussi un object commercial de l'informatique.
Davide Micheli
12 Mar 2023 03:53 PM - Comment(s)
Information technology and information security can be integrated according to the ISO27013: let's take a closer look at this standard.
Davide Micheli
22 Feb 2023 09:07 AM - Comment(s)
The ISO/IEC 27557:2022 standard on information security, cybersecurity and privacy protection offers us a framework for assessing the organizational privacy risk.
Davide Micheli
08 Feb 2023 07:00 AM - Comment(s)
Le standard ISO 20000-1 spécifie les exigences relatives à l'adoption d'un système de management des services (SMS) avec une référence aux services TIC.
Davide Micheli
24 Jan 2023 01:24 PM - Comment(s)
La protection des données personnelles est une partie de la securité de l'information et en particulier pour les obligations légales liées au traitement des données personnelles.
Davide Micheli
11 Jan 2023 12:00 AM - Comment(s)
Artificial Intelligence is getting day after day more important for a lot of human activities: AI can add a lot of value also on the adoption of a smart GRC model for our business.
Davide Micheli
13 Dec 2022 12:19 PM - Comment(s)
ISO released its new 27002:2022 standard updating also the information security controls: let's take a closer look at all the news.
Davide Micheli
23 Nov 2022 12:04 AM - Comment(s)
Cette série de réflexions traite de quand, comment et pourquoi une approche agile peut être bénéfique à la gestion des services.
Davide Micheli
14 Nov 2022 03:02 PM - Comment(s)
The new ISO27001 Standard (2022) set updated requirements on Information Security Management System (ISMS): let's discover some details about them.
Davide Micheli
02 Nov 2022 07:00 AM - Comment(s)
Financial services industry in Italy and Switzerland can take advantage of an integrated management of ICT GRC: let's take a look at our approach.
Davide Micheli
19 Oct 2022 09:24 AM - Comment(s)
Lo specialista in comunicazione è la risorsa strategica che sta dietro al successo delle PMI capaci di dare la giusta personalità e comprensibilità al messaggio che inviano al loro interlocutore.
Davide Micheli
25 Sep 2022 10:26 AM - Comment(s)
L'ICT manager è la figura chiave per la digitalizzazione d'impresa, con le sue competenze consulenziale, gestionali-operative in ambito IT.
Davide Micheli
07 Sep 2022 10:26 AM - Comment(s)