Blog tagged as GRC

The medical devices data protection compliance: EU Regulation 745/2017, GDPR and ISO 27001
Let's check out our approach to the medical devices data protection compliance between EU and Switzerland according to EU Regulation 745/2017, GDPR, FADP and ISO 27001.
itSMF Staff
02 Jul 2024 10:09 AM - Comment(s)
The EU Network & Information Security 2 (NIS 2) Directive: a GRC approach with the main related ISO standards
The Network & Information Security 2 EU Directive set a new high common level of cybersecurity across the Union: let's check out more details about it.
itSMF Staff
22 May 2024 06:08 PM - Comment(s)
The EU Regulation on Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA): GRC approach and main related standards
The Digital Operational Resilience ACT (EU Regulation 2022/2554) entered into force con January 2023: let's check out all its novelties.
itSMF Staff
24 Apr 2024 07:00 AM - Comment(s)
The Central Bank of Bahrain requirements for ICT resource in financial sector: GRC approach and main related standards.
The Central Bank of Bahrain defined in its rulebook the requirements to the ICT resources management in the financial sector: let's check them out!
itSMF Staff
02 Apr 2024 02:31 PM - Comment(s)
The management systems for artificial intelligence according to ISO 42001:2023
The ISO 42001:2023 standard provides the requirements for implementing an artificial intelligence management system within organizations that provide AI-based products or services.
itSMF Staff
06 Mar 2024 02:25 PM - Comment(s)
Information Security Incident Management according to the ISO/IEC 27035-2 standard
The ISO/IEC27035-2:2016 standard provides guidelines to plan and prepare for incident response and to learn lessons from incident response.
Davide Micheli
28 Jun 2023 07:00 AM - Comment(s)
Information Security Incident Management according to the ISO/IEC 27035-1 standard
The ISO/IEC27035-1:2016 standard provides useful principles for handling information security incidents: let's check them out in our post.
Davide Micheli
03 May 2023 07:00 AM - Comment(s)
Information technology and information security integration according to the ISO/IEC 27013:2021 standard
Information technology and information security can be integrated according to the ISO27013: let's take a closer look at this standard.
Davide Micheli
22 Feb 2023 09:07 AM - Comment(s)
Privacy & Risk Management according to ISO/IEC 27557:2022
The ISO/IEC 27557:2022 standard on information security, cybersecurity and privacy protection offers us a framework for assessing the organizational privacy risk.
Davide Micheli
08 Feb 2023 07:00 AM - Comment(s)
GRC and Artificial Intelligence: a scenario
Artificial Intelligence is getting day after day more important for a lot of human activities: AI can add a lot of value also on the adoption of a smart GRC model for our business.
Davide Micheli
13 Dec 2022 12:19 PM - Comment(s)
The integrated ICT GRC in Swiss and Italian financial services industry
Financial services industry in Italy and Switzerland can take advantage of an integrated management of ICT GRC: let's take a look at our approach.
Davide Micheli
19 Oct 2022 09:24 AM - Comment(s)
Corporate Governance in action!
Quali sono i vantaggi dell'implementazione di un modello di Corporate Governance digitale? Scopriamoli insieme nel nostro post quotidiano.
itSMF Staff
04 Apr 2022 08:00 AM - Comment(s)
Il supporto alla Digital Corporate Governance aziendale cresce e si espande
Una vera ed efficace digitalizzazione della corporate governance delle aziende implica la trasformazione dei processi di gestione dei controlli in ambito digital, ma non solo.
itSMF Staff
25 Jan 2022 12:38 PM - Comment(s)
GRC and Data Protection: the GRC approch in EU and Swiss contexts
Data protection between EU and Switzerland and the GRC Data Protection approach on GDPR and LPD-DSG-LPD (FDA): let's take a closer look at these laws together.
itSMF Staff
04 Aug 2021 05:00 AM - Comment(s)
GRC and data protection in Switzerland: structure and main requirements of the LPD
Data protection in Switzerland is regulated by the Swiss Federal Data Protection Act (DPA): the new law will enter into force on September 2023.
itSMF Staff
22 Jul 2021 05:00 AM - Comment(s)