itSMF Staff

Blog by itSMF Staff

The medical devices data protection compliance: EU Regulation 745/2017, GDPR and ISO 27001
Let's check out our approach to the medical devices data protection compliance between EU and Switzerland according to EU Regulation 745/2017, GDPR, FADP and ISO 27001.
itSMF Staff
02 Jul 2024 10:09 AM - Comment(s)
Gestion des services d'entreprise : Au-delà de l'extension des services informatiques
Avec l'enterprise service management, la logique dominée par les services est adoptée tant à l'intérieur qu'à l'extérieure de l'organisation.
itSMF Staff
12 Jun 2024 06:30 AM - Comment(s)
The EU Network & Information Security 2 (NIS 2) Directive: a GRC approach with the main related ISO standards
The Network & Information Security 2 EU Directive set a new high common level of cybersecurity across the Union: let's check out more details about it.
itSMF Staff
22 May 2024 06:08 PM - Comment(s)
The EU Regulation on Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA): GRC approach and main related standards
The Digital Operational Resilience ACT (EU Regulation 2022/2554) entered into force con January 2023: let's check out all its novelties.
itSMF Staff
24 Apr 2024 07:00 AM - Comment(s)
The Central Bank of Bahrain requirements for ICT resource in financial sector: GRC approach and main related standards.
The Central Bank of Bahrain defined in its rulebook the requirements to the ICT resources management in the financial sector: let's check them out!
itSMF Staff
02 Apr 2024 02:31 PM - Comment(s)
The management systems for artificial intelligence according to ISO 42001:2023
The ISO 42001:2023 standard provides the requirements for implementing an artificial intelligence management system within organizations that provide AI-based products or services.
itSMF Staff
06 Mar 2024 02:25 PM - Comment(s)
Challenger les demandes pour permettre la création de valeur
Les demandes sur produits et services sont les entrées de la chaîne de valeur des services: voici comment en peut identifier et gérer ces demandes.
itSMF Staff
14 Feb 2024 02:33 PM - Comment(s)
The Interbank communication in financial services according to ISO 20022
The ISO 20022 standard on Interbank communication is made up of several parts describing a flexible framework for developers and users.
itSMF Staff
31 Jan 2024 07:00 AM - Comment(s)
La gouvernance des services
La gouvernance des services c'est la combinaison entre évaluation (type et niveau), direction (responsabilité) et surveillance (conformité).
itSMF Staff
17 Jan 2024 12:03 PM - Comment(s)
The organizational change management according to the ISO 10020 standard
The ISO 10020 standard provides a description of processes that organizations can use for organizational change management.
itSMF Staff
20 Dec 2023 07:00 AM - Comment(s)
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and risk management with the ISO 23894 standard
The ISO 23894 standard provides us a guidance to manage AI-related risks on organizations that develop or use intelligence-base products, systems or services.
itSMF Staff
06 Dec 2023 07:00 AM - Comment(s)
A framework for Artificial Intelligence (AI) using Machine Learning (ML): ISO 23053 standard
The ISO/IEC 23053 standard provides us a framework to better figure out artificial intelligence systems using Machine Learning: let's check it out.
itSMF Staff
22 Nov 2023 07:00 AM - Comment(s)
La sostenibilità di ecosistemi nativamente integrati e "no code": itSMF Svizzera al PM Forum di APM-Ticino
Al PM Forum 2023 di APM-Ticino, itSMF Svizzera ha parlato di sostenibilità di ecosistemi nativamente integrati e no code.
itSMF Staff
08 Nov 2023 11:15 AM - Comment(s)
ICT resources in the Italian finance industry: the requirements set by Bank of Italy circular 285 (GRC approach and main related standards)
Let's focus on ICT resources requirements for Italian finance industry set by Bank of Italy on Circular 285 with a GRC approach (and ISO related standards).
itSMF Staff
25 Oct 2023 07:30 AM - Comment(s)
FINMA requirements for ICT resources in Swiss finance industry: GRC approach and main related standards
The FINMA set several ICT resources requirements for the Swiss finance industry: we can manage them with a GRC approach according to the related ISO standards.
itSMF Staff
20 Sep 2023 07:00 AM - Comment(s)
La valorizzazione del dato: quali regole la delimitano?
La valorizzazione dei dati o data monetization è una tra le dinamiche tipiche dell'era della digitalizzazione: vediamo quali regole la delimitano in Europa.
itSMF Staff
06 Sep 2023 07:00 AM - Comment(s)
Comment les flux de valeur revisitent la gestion des services
La gestion des services est une capacité à traduire les exigences stratégiques d'entreprise en un portefeuille de produits et de services alignés.
itSMF Staff
23 Aug 2023 07:00 PM - Comment(s)
Benefits of Corporate Governance for SMEs
SMEs can take advantage of the best practises of Corporate Governance: let's discover together all the benefits of CG on this kind of enterprises.
itSMF Staff
21 Aug 2022 12:17 PM - Comment(s)
Software as a Medical Device (SWaaMD) and the ISO Management Systems
Let's check out more details about Software as a Medical Device & ISO Management Systems and the compliance with EU regulations.
itSMF Staff
20 Jul 2022 07:00 AM - Comment(s)
Strumenti per progettare in un mondo che cambia
Il design thinking e il change management aiutano a progettare, prototipare e testare in tempi brevi nuove soluzioni, in un ambiente di lavoro collaborativo.
itSMF Staff
28 Jun 2022 11:41 PM - Comment(s)