How-to manage the HR processes according to an Enterprise Service Management approach

19 Aug 2024 10:11 AM By itSMF Staff

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The enterprise service management approach to manage the HR processes

In our today post, we’re taking a look at the typical human resources processes to be carried out when new hire joins a company. The onboarding of colleagues can be flawless if we manage it according to an Enterprise Service Management approach instead of the old-school way.

Let’s say «no more» at a bunch of inefficient bustles around different departments, as well as phone calls, delays and all the hassles that come up when we fail to manage the communication, the sharing of knowledge, expertise and basic tools (as access card…) adopting an ESM effective onboarding process.

The enterprise service management approach on HR processes can be the turning point on the company strategy to improve its employer branding status. Let’s dig deep to find out all the benefits we can get from this new approach to human resources management from the perspective of an IT (or widely, Enterprise) service manager.

Enhancing the HR processes management through ESM: the benefits from company and new hire point of view

From a new hire point of view, a great onboarding experience through a modern approach to HR process management can:
  • boost the potential of retention;
  • improve the personal engagement;
  • improve the working performance;
  • increase the employer branding.

From a business perspective, we can get:

  • better cultural fit between the company and the employees;
  • better business success over time.

We have to keep in mind that HR processes – and in particular on/offboarding – managed according to the old-school way can:

  • be tricky
  • lead to errors
  • take considerable time 

To match in the best way the needs of new hires and management, we should focus on a forward-looking solution provided by the ITSM (or better ESM): a ticketing system.

Think about the ticketing system as a kind of hub where you can collect and track all the service requests. No more need to send e-mails, get into phone calls or maybe worry about messages that can get lost.

On the ticketing system, taking advantage of a great designed UI that provides a superior quality user experience everyone can interact at a glance. All the stakeholders can focus on the same resources and understand easily what is happening (and has happened), checking the informations and data in one place.

ITSM (or ESM) tools can help HR processes management: from the seamless onboard to the effortless offboard

With the help of an enterprise service management application your new colleague could log-in into this user-frienldy platform as soon as the contract has been signed and submit the request of the work tool or items.

The ticketing system makes possible to save time and gains efficiency, granting to you and your new hire to check the the request status updates in real-time. This means that even the smallest trouble will be immediately located and quickly addressed.

We should keep in mind that this efficiency can be reached even during the offboarding process management. The settings of the ticketing solution can be arranged to manage the automated workflow triggered by the notification of us manage the automated workflow triggered by the resignation notification.

The ITSM tool can easily coordinate the return of tools (i.e. smartphone, computer,...) preventing the loss of any item. At that time, the platform can help to collect the feedback of the resigning colleague, setting up an integrated exit interview on the ticketing system. This can help to improve the onboarding process and global UX of the next new hires.

The enterprise service management approach: one platform to manage efficiently the processes

Companies can clearly take advantage from the implementation of an enterprise service management solution that uses only one platform, without the need to install and maintain a lot of different systems as well as provide education to the end users (that have to deal with many different UI).

The enterprise service management solution supports you on manage the service requests from all the departments of your company (not only HR, but also facilities, IT, procurement,...) increasing the efficiency.

Tools as Atlassian jira Service Management are the turning point for teams that want to analyse request trends and find room for improvement thanks to data and reporting, optimizing the processes and managing in an effective way the allocation of resources. Not only the resolution times will be shortened and the processes will become easier but also the communication will be more effective and transparent between all the stakeholders.

Let's take a look at this scheme to better understand the improvement of processes quality and efficiency we can get from the adoption of a ticketing system:

By Magnus Sundset (Instructor, Managing Director @ Eficode).
This scheme describes the interactions of HR with the other departments via the requests to manage the onboard of new hires.

The roadmap to the adoption of an efficient ESM approach to manage the HR processes

Let's resume in this ending part of our post all the steps we should follow and focus to avoid the risk of adopting an outdated ticketing system that doesn't match the enterprise service management vision.

First of all, we need to make a self-assessment of our current situation. ITIL4 provides us the guiding principles to setup a robust framework for our self-assessment:

  1. Focus on value: check which are the pain points on on/offboarding processes. These can help us to outline and locate inefficiencies, bad time cost performances, waste of resources and frustrations on the employees experience.
  2. Set a point of departure: we can't implement a whole modernisation in a breeze. We first need to understand which can be the quick wins where the enterprise service management solution (automation) enhance the quality of processes. The high-volume and repetitive tasks offer some room to get improvements (i.e. card access request, laptop provisioning).
  3. Support collaboration and transparency: engage all the stakeholders across the departements (HR, IT, facilities, etc.) and ask their support during the assessment and implementation phases, adopting an enterprise service management perspective. We should commit on making clear which are the benefits and goals to everyone, thanks to an open communication and transparency.
  4. Follow an interating progress valorizing feedback: we need to consider that the implementation of the ticketing system should follow an interative approach, gathering feedbacks from the stakeholders and using a data-driven approach to improve the quality of processes.
  5. Define our roadmap and implementation strategy: the roadmap should make easier and smoothier the transition to our new system. We can define our roadmap and implementation strategy to support successfully the transition to our new ticketing system according to these sequence of steps:
a. Identify our pain points (slowness of the onboarding process, approvals,...). Set SMART objectives and define the expected outcomes that can lead the way of the implementation.

b. Engage the key stakeholders and get their commitment to support the implementation of the enterprise service management solution, making clear to them which are the benefits and give attention to their concerns.

c. Choose a ticketing system that ensures the best match between organisation needs, budget and options of scalability. We should take into consideration the cloud-based solutions to take advantage of their deployment and maintenance simplicity.

d. Evalute an initial small-scale implementation to resolve the first problems. Apply and check the results from KPIs as resolution times, employees satisfaction evaluation. Collect all the feedbacks and valorize them in a cyclical way of implementation that leads to the enhancement of the processes quality.

Final considerations on the implementation of an enterprise service management solution to the HR processes management

We have to keep in mind that the successful implementation of our enterprise service management solution to the HR processes management lie on:

  • initial small-scale implementation, with a smooth launch;
  • scaling following a gradual approach, with the help of a well focused scope, feasible timelines and proactive and transparent management of expectations vs reality (results of implementation).

It has to be said that the choice of the best fitting ticketing system for our organisation is crucial. We can take into consideration popular apps as Jira Service Management, Jira Work Management, Freshworks, Zendesk an ServiceNow: all provide robust solutions and features as well as great scalability.

To evaluate the best product for our company we can adopt parameters as ease of use, integrations and obiously budget too. Don't forget to focus on new hires and seasoned colleagues alike, as we want the first ones to develop professionaly as well.

Choosing the right ticketing system to improve the HR processes management can be the starting (and turning) point leading to the implementation of a wider enterprise service management approach on our organisation across the departements.
If you want to keep you up-to-date and know more on this topic, you can join and meet us during our next Proximity Forum 2024 in Zurich.

You will have the chance to listen to the speech held by Magnus Sundset (Eficode) as well as to take part at the open topic final Round Table on the enterprise service management: join us now!


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